Sabine Ghanem In British Vogue

I was so thrilled to have my photograph of  Sabine Ghanem at the incredible ‘Liaisons Dangereuses’ Wedding Party in Rome featured in British Vogue. This party was held to celebrate her wedding the next day to Joseph Getty. It really was such a decadent, breathtakingly beautiful and spectacular  affair… It was spectacular in fact, it was featured in the article ‘You Had to be There- The guests, the gowns, the giddy expectation- what are the ingredients of a perfect party? Vogue invites 12 revellers to share the nights they can’t forget and the nights they can’t remember’

I was there and it really was a beautiful night and a night I won’t ever forget.

Sabine British Vogue

Jacquetta & James

I was thrilled when Jacquetta asked me to photograph her wedding. As an extremely successful Model, she has been photographed by the great and the good, not to mention my all time favourite photographer Tim Walker - So her asking me was beyond an honour.

The setting was her family home in Kent- Chilham Castle, that also has its own church next door in the village were the ceremony was held.

Scarlet and Violet did the most divine flowers. Blue in the church and pink for the wedding breakfast. Huge Garlands of pale pink Gypsophila hung over each table and the tables were crammed with bright pink and pale pink sweet peas. When I walked into the marquee in the morning I actually got tears in my eyes. It was overwelmingly beautiful.

Jacquetta’s dress was handmade from Indian lace, designed especially for her by her good friend Alice Temperely. A more beautiful dress simply does not exist. Fact. Her shoes were by my favourite designer and lovely friend Emmy London and complimented her dress perfectly.

The wedding was attended by a wonderful mix of Artists, Aristocrats, intellectuals and fashionistas: Vivian Westwood chatted over dinner to the Editor of The Spectator, whilst Jasmin Guiness danced with Jade Parfit on the dancefloor. If I go on I will appear to be name dropping and we cant have that!

After dinner, Jacquetta and James danced on a specially made chequered dancefloor outside in the grounds, looked on by their guests. Then the spectacular Fireworks started, accompanied by and timed to a wonderful mix of their favourite songs. Then, if that wasn’t enough, the big reveal: A wonderful Moroccan nightclub with lots of delicious cocktails being made at the bar.

Honestly, the most perfect, elegant wedding, that somehow also managed to be totally effortless and laid back. This was the ultimate English country wedding at its very very best. It was an honour to be part of.

‘Lucy - you ROCK! I just wanted to send you a quick one to say thanks so much for being the best wedding photographer ever. You were perfectly charming, gentle and just bossy enough all at the same time!
Lots of love xxxx Jacquetta’
